Enrolling in GAF Project, Managing Users
Step 1: Browse to gaf.com/leads
This sign up now button will bring you to log into CCZ.
- Please use the main email attached to your companies account.
- If you do not know your email or have an issue with your password, call the CCP 877-423-7663 or email ccp@gaf.com
Manage GAF Project Users
In the CCZ Platform, click "Manage Users" under the "My Account" tab.
Click on the blue pen to modify an existing users permissions
- If you have someone on your team that you would like to manage your GAF Project platform, please make sure they have been added as a user, and that you have given them the permission to “Manage Users”
- Note: An admin can see all of the projects that have been sent to your company, and a sales representative can only see projects that have been assigned to them from an admin within the GAF Project platform
Setting Up Notifications
Text & Email Notifications
Click on the gear icon and open ‘Profile”
Scroll to ‘Notifications’ and add in the Mobile Phone number that you would like to receive text notifications and the email address for email notifications when you have a new lead
You must click ‘Yes’ to allow for notifications