How to set up and configure the ImproveIt360 Lightning Integration
The setup and configuration of ImproveIt360 Lightning is setup in 2 parts. The first part of the configuration is the setup on the ImproveIt360 side. The final part connects that information back to OCC.
ImproveIt360 Configuration
The following steps MUST be performed while logged in as an ImproveIt360 Admin User
1. Once logged in as an Admin, click the Gear in the top right corner2. From the drop down, click "Setup"
3. From the Setup screen, scroll down and expand the "Apps" Section
4. From the Apps Section, click on the "App Manager" Option
5. From the App Manager screen, click the "New Connected App" button in the top right corner
6. From the "Create a Connected App" modal, click the "Create a Connected App" option
7. Click Continue
8. From the "New Connected App" screen, under the "Basic Information" enter "OCC" in the Connected App Name box
9. Set the API Name to "OCC" (should default)
10. Set the Contact Email to ""
11. Under the "API (Enable OAuth Settings)" check the "Enable OAuth Settings" box
12. Under the "Callback URL" add in the callback box
13. Under the "Selected OAuth Scopes" ensure that "Full access (full)" permission has been added
14. Under the "Selected OAuth Scops" ensure that "Perform Requests at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)" has been added
15. Ensure that "Require Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) Extension for Supported Authorization Flows" is unchecked
16. Ensure that "Require Secret for Web Server Flow" is checked
17. Ensure that "Require Secret for Refresh Token Flow" is checked
18. Click "Save" at the top of the list
19. After it has been added, click "Continue" (Note: That it states it can take up to 10 minutes for that update to take effect)
20. After saved, click the "Manage Consumer Details" to get the Consumer Key and Secret
21. You may get a message requesting Two Factor Authentication, enter the appropriate information.
22. Click the copy button next to the Consumer Key and paste it somewhere safe
23. Click the copy button next to the Consumer Secret and paste it somewhere safe
Setting up One Click Contractor
1. Logged in as an Org Admin in One Click, click the "Administration" button in the top right corner
2. From administration, click the "Integrations" tab at the left
3. Scroll down on the Integrations tab and click the "Authorize" button next to ImproveIt360
4. From the authorization modal, enter the consumer key in the "Consumer Key" field
5. Enter the consumer secret in the "Consumer Secret" field
6. Click the "Authorize" button
7. You should be redirected to a Salesforce screen where you need to grant access by clicking the "Allow" button
8. Once redirected back to OCC, scroll down to the ImproveIt360 section and click the "Gear Icon" next to it
9. On the ImproveIt360 Settings Modal, change the platform to "Lightning"
10. Click Save Changes
11. Once saved, click the "Sync" button next to ImproveIt360 to force a sync of users and other information.
From here, the system will automatically link up users in ImproveIt360 Lightning with your OCC users (based on their email address). In the event the addresses don't match between systems, you can search for the user in I360 and link them to the appropriate OCC user.
Then, every 15 minutes, information will be synchronized over from I360.